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Fall is Upon Us

Hello and happy Fall to everyone out there. It has been an extremely busy month for family and work activities since the last newsletter. At the end of August, I flew down to Nicaragua to kick off a land design project for a week. That went great and we made a lot of progress during the first trip and I hope to return to continue implementing the design in November. When I returned from Central America, we had a family trip planned to the west coast beaches of Florida and celebrated Angela’s birthday and enjoyed family time and relaxation for a few days.

Other than a lot of traveling, we have invested our time this past month in our family. We are trying to find our seasonal rhythm and flow now that the kids’ homeschool co-op programs have started up. Although we have had some stagnation of our garden and homestead development over the last month, we have been making adjustments in life to find our balance.

Now that we are well into the co-op programs for the kids, we are starting to shift our focus to the Abundant Garden Design Workshop on October 15th @ 0900. This workshop is being hosted by Full Circle Farm in Live Oak, FL and details for registration can be found here. (Note: We are also offering a couples rate). This workshop will be a day long crash course on garden design, development, maintenance, and regeneration, plus a bunch other awesome knowledge being shared by myself and Micanopy Joe Pierce. Mark your calendars and register for the workshop today!

Now that autumn is officially in season, start to make plans for your fall and winter gardens. Remember the best time to plant was yesterday! Also if you don’t get your gardens installed in time, there are more and more small family farms and homesteads popping up everywhere. So don’t beat yourself up, find one of these awesome operations and support your local food producers. Some great sites to find local farms are and We can’t grow all our own food. We can grow some and support our community food producers as well.

I wanted to wrap up by encouraging everyone to do a personal health check. Tune in to your body to see what you can do differently to find more balance within. Find out what your mind, body, and spirit need to function optimally throughout your day to day. What can you do for yourself to show up with your best attitude and confidence in your daily responsibilities. I recently had to do a health inventory and refocus on my heart health. It’s always best to be proactive in life, especially when it comes to your health. Drop us line if you have any comments or questions about the upcoming Garden Workshop.


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